Monday, September 27, 2010

Interning and Shooting

I had an opportunity to do my first shoot at IMSTEPF studios . I was asked to come up with three donut stories.

I was expected to pre produce, plan, shop, style, prop, and have something to contribute at a pre pro meeting about the donut story shoot, only the night before our multiple set shoot.

We had long pre production meeting about existing "donut stories". We talked the direction we'd like to go as collaborative group.

Our goal is to produce a finished body of work we could string together that has cohesion.

Initially, the whole thing seemed easy enough. My first shoot went..well..I guess I could say it went by too fast.

Some setbacks were learning how to use a few new pieces of equipment; styling the food itself; which is a pain, and getting my set together all for my first time.

I've done it before.. at school and independent projects. But this is a commercial studio; during my internship. This was a bit much to manage, juggle, toggle, organize, prioritize, and think about thoroughly. This was an equation with lots of variables that ran overtime.

In conclusion, I loved the idea of Bacon donuts! My star for this shoot and shot #1 out of the starting gate. Piece of CAKE,.. well donut. Wayyy ... way more difficult than it sounded. WHY?? I did not anticipate some details. For example, the bacon is dark and much darker than a powder white donut. Hmm... it becomes a technical lighting riddle to solve...being that that bacon is so dark in contrast to a white sugar donuts. It can be done.. just a bit more work. ahhh! Not so convenient or time saving:(

At the end of the day as well as the conclusion of my 2nd month here, it's been an amazing experience of learning, growing and expanding in the areas of anticipating, planning, projecting a vision of how I want to see the finished project, shot, and realizing a very satisfying result. There is more to come, for next update. Signing off for now: CG

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Nathan Tomaszewski! Put another candle on the birthday cake!

our trusty production assistant and everything else guy celebrates, for just a moment.

We've entrusted Nate with everything from painting the cove to assisting on set during shoots. He is a 'blaze' when it comes to getting the job done.

Blaze is a valuable asset at IMSTEPF, as well as an aspiring director, producer, writer and collaborator. He joined the IMSTEPF crew 2 years ago in JUNE 2008.
He just returned from from traveling through Utah and Colorado with Herr Imstepf, the boss. When he returned, We made the most delicious, delectable mocha chocolate cake ever!!

Monday, September 20, 2010

INTERNING: Nuts, Bolts to Know

Interning for a food photography studio like IMSTEPF studios exposes me to a complex layer of experience.

I am Week 8 into the practical universe of photo knowledge. It's a distant stretch being at Brookes Institute in Santa Barbara.

Let me tell you more on the topic of Photo Interning.

My four week trial period of being a photo 'INTERN' was completed by Aug 19th.

I had been providing general support throughout studio, and specifically the Broadcast Department.

My Lens shifted on September 14th as it did for the studio. The last two week period changed focus on tasks, and responsibilities.

Here's just a sample of TASKS that have been expected of me in the last 2 weeks....

Time management, prioritization, project management, research and development, shooting, pre-production, writing blogs on my experience as an intern, emails, end of day summaries loaded with details about stuff I wasn't dealing with only weeks earlier, bringing in fresh cupcakes in exchange tardines, creative round-table meetings, and staying as late as it takes to get a job done, oh, and being selected as crew member to interview new interns.

NOT, exactly, a walk in the park, while juggling pre-production on upcoming art show of my personal photo work!